Check what happened at the third EFLIP Stakeholders Workshop

The Third Stakeholders Workshop was held online on May 3rd 2021, and brought together the research team and 15 stakeholders to take stock of the project’s preliminary results and to design together its next steps.

The meeting was kicked-off by Margherita Righini (IUSS) who presented advances in the assessment of flood -related damages and losses in Lombardy. The following session, led by Elisa Calliari (CMCC) and moderated by Veronica Casartelli (CMCC) and Chiara Franciosi (Cima Foundation), actively involved stakeholders in designing the outline for a ‘Citizen’s Guide’ for understanding the economic impacts of flood risk. The Guide is the key dissemination product of the EFLIP project and aims at being a comprehensive yet accessible tool to help the general public better understand the economic consequences of floods. After this co-design session, Andrea Staccione (CMCC) shared insights from ongoing research on Nature-based solutions’ connectivity and how the project is seeking to assess the characteristics of NBS networks both in the Po river valley and in the city of Milan. Finally, Jaroslav Mysiak (CMCC) – EFLIP’s coordinator- contextualised the project’s contributions within the research and innovation activities supported by the EU Mission on Climate adaptation and societal transformation.

The workshop was the third of four events aimed at reviewing, discussing, co-designing and disseminating the project’s results with public and private organizations working on flood risk in Lombardy and beyond. The next workshop is scheduled for Autumn 2021.